ASSOCIATION OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES "SPORTING CLUB" as beneficiary, together with Partner 1 - "Federation for Accessibility of Romania" and Partner 2 - "Association of Consultants and Experts in Social Economy Romania" launches the identification and selection of the target group, within Activity A5. 1 Organization and running of the "Community Development Facilitator" training program.
The target group of activity A5.1: 30 people, representatives of NGOs, active in the city/county of Galati, to participate in this training program.
Calendar of selection activities GT/A5.1:
- Submission of registration files - between April 7-10, 2023
- Evaluation of submitted files – April 11, 2023
- Publication of the interim list – April 11, 2023
- Submission of appeals (if applicable) – April 12, 2023
- Publication of the final list of selected files – April 13, 2023.
Submission of application files - each candidate submits an application file, according to the calendar and the provisions of the methodology, which includes the following documents:
- The intention form for registering to activity A5.1;
- Annex 12 Individual participant form;
- Declaration regarding the participation commitment;
- BI/CI copy;
- Copy of birth certificate;
- Copy of marriage/divorce certificate (if applicable);
- Copy of education certificate - the last school completed (high school, college, master's degree, after
- Certificate certifying employee/volunteer status within an NGO.
The file can be submitted in person, at the ASSOCIATION OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES SPORTING CLUB GALATI, headquarters: str. Nae Leonard, no. 34, Bl S12, ap. SAD, ground floor, Galati Municipality, Galati County or it can be sent by email to the following address:
The "Community Development Facilitator" training program begins on April 18, 2023.
"Sustainability for all, now and in the future"
"ACCES - Beyond prejudice, beyond discrimination"