about system...
“In November 2017, it will be 7 years since Romania ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. However, the protection system for disabled people is ineffective, cumbersome and not adapted to the requirements of the more than 760,000 Romanians affected by a certain degree of disability.
According to the latest statistics, in In Europe, there are more than 80 million people with disabilities, while in the world their number exceeds 650 million, that is, about 10% of the total population of the globe. At the same time, the allowance granted to disabled people is not sufficiently personalized according to the concrete needs of the beneficiaries.
Disability limits the person's participation in social life. That is precisely why the allowance granted to disabled people should be personalized according to the concrete needs of the beneficiaries.
It is necessary for the experts in the field to work as a team, to contribute to the adoption and implementation of measures that come in support for disabled people”
Iustina Radu, President of FAR
Conference “The rights of people with disabilities in the social-democratic vision”
9 November 2017, Senatul Romaniei
History of social protection